All orders are shipped from Kristian Skye headquarters to USPS within 3-5 business days. Once USPS receives the packages, it may take additional time to deliver the order to the address. Usually, packages are shipped through Priority service, which may take up to an additional 2-3 days, including Saturdays. However, in rare cases, depending on effectiveness and efficiency, packages may be shipped through USPS without Priority service or through another carrier. In such cases, the orders are still shipped to the carrier within 3-5 business days from Kristian Skye headquarters, and it may take a few additional days for the carrier to deliver the package to the shipping address. If you have any further questions, please contact us at contactus@kristianskye.com.
Refunds/ Exchanges/ Returns
Please note that all sales are final and we do not offer refunds, exchanges, or returns. However, if you receive damaged or destroyed goods, please contact us at contactus@kristianskye.com within three days of delivery and we will replace them at no cost to you. We will provide further instructions via email once we receive your message.
If for any reason you are dissatisfied with your product, please email us at contactus@kristianskye.com immediately. We take pride in providing excellent customer service and we want to resolve any issues as soon as possible. Please contact us within five days of delivery with any concerns, so we can promptly assess and resolve them. While we cannot guarantee refunds, we will consider the condition of the product and work with you to find a satisfactory solution.